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Competition Date November 23, 2024 (Saturday)


Registration Form
Cheer Competition Rules

Questions regarding competition rules, routines, etc please email Competition Coordinator LaDonna Knight @ [email protected]

For all other questions email the tournament director @


The Rocky Top Sports Complex

Gatlinburg, TN


Competition Date November 23, 2024

Dear Cheer Coaches & Cheerleaders,

We cordially invite you to participate in the Annual "Battle In Rocky Top" Cheer Competition. This event is sponsored by the Battle In Rocky Top Youth Football Classic and will take place Saturday late afternoon or evening November 23, 2024 at The Rocky Top Sports Complex in Gatlinburg, TN. This year we are also welcoming all local middle school cheer squads to compete against teams from different areas!

This Cheer Competition was created to allow the young cheerleading athletes the opportunity to showcase their talents against other cheer squads from other leagues, schools, cities and states. Your football team does not have to be playing in the football event to participate in this cheer competition but you must have cheered for a youth football team or school during the fall at some point. We encourage every football team who is bringing their cheer squad to the event to definitely enter their girls and let them compete for a trophy too. The cheer competition is open to any youth football cheerleading team from anywhere.

All first place cheer squads will receive a team trophy and individual medals. Special "Battle In Rocky Top" Cheer Competition T-Shirts will be available (pre-orders only). Email for information about pre-orders. 

We look forward to hosting you and your cheer squad during our great event. We welcome you to our great city that is Knoxville, TN. This competition will be one of the many activities throughout the weekend during the "Battle In Rocky Top".

General Information: 
1. The fee for each individual competing cheer squad is $200. (If your registration is received after Nov. 1st - then it goes up to $250.00 per squad). All registration forms and fees must be in by November 12th. 

2. Competition will start with the youngest age group and work up to the oldest. We will not know all ages and how many squads are performing until all rosters are turned in and registration received. 

3. An organization may enter more than one team in each age division. You may also enter more than one team in the same division but a participant can only cheer with one team period for the whole competition.

4. Its very possible that your cheer squad may have to miss one game Saturday evening during the cheer competition. We apologize in advance if this happens but it is near impossible to guarantee you that your football team will not be playing Saturday evening. With having to schedule over 100 hour-long football games there is no way to schedule a cheer competition when there is not any football games taking place. We feel like the girls deserve the opportunity to look forward to something special too while they are here. This is a great chance for the girls to win a coveted prized of their own. Every football team will play at least two games, some will play more, so you will definitely get to cheer at least one game and its possible that you may get to cheer for all of them. We will try our best as far as scheduling the football games based off cheer squads but its not guaranteed in anyway, plus its impossible to know who's going to win/lose certain games which also take affect into football game times. 

5. Trophies will be awarded at the end of the competition after all squads have performed. We ask you be respectful and courteous to all cheer squads by cheering for them positively. Also please be quiet while there performing. Any negative chanting and/or cheering against another squad will NOT be tolerated and you're subject to ejection of the entire event, both cheer and football. Please be respectful to others. Coaches, your squad's score sheets may be picked up after the competition and awards are given out. 

6. We will have four age divisions competing (5-7, 8-9, 10-11, and 12-14), we will MAKE your age group work, if it doesn't match ours listed. Please note that if we have a shortage of competing squads in one division we may re-structure the age divisions. Your age category is determined by the average age of all the girls of the competing squad. If you're unsure how to determine which age category you'll fall under, email us the ages of the girls and we'll let you know. It is possible we will alter the divisions depending on the different age make-ups of the different competing squads. 

7. All cheer squads must have a minimum of four cheerleaders and a maximum of twenty five. All girls must have there waiver ready to be turned in at the Cheer Squad Check-In (time TBA). Waiver form is also located on our website.

8. All cheer squads are required to provide the staff prior to arrival at the event a certified roster of the participating girls. NO add-ons will be accepted on arrival unless the child is younger than the average age of that cheer squad and it will not change your age criteria, safest way to handle is get it cleared and approved prior to arriving, don't take any chances b/c there NO GUARANTEES.

9. The admission entrance for spectators for the cheer competition will be $10.00 per individual over 5 years old. One cheer coach per squad and all competing cheerleaders get free entrance into the cheer competition, non competing cheerleaders have to pay for there admission. Cheer Coach and cheerleaders must have their pass/band to get into event without being charged the $10.00, make sure you have it with you at all times during the weekend it saves you some $$$. Please note the football weekend passes and day passes DO NOT get you into the Cheer Competition. 

10. Please note that due to discrepancies among coaches, floor padding will NOT be present in this competition.

11. ALL participating cheer squads MUST have hotel rooms booked thru Team Travel Source. Check the hotel link to see the list of approved hotels. 

We want this to be a memorable event for the ladies as they show off their talents and account for all their hard work.

Looking forward to seeing you and your squad!!!

Thank you,

Battle in Rocky Top Cheer Competition

Competition Coordinator LaDonna Knight (email) [email protected]